branding and identity
Burchette & Associates, Inc., a business partner specializing in market research and strategic marketing solutions, developed a strategy for their client Manus that included an identity solution to address branding across a variety of services delivered under a broad corporate mission. The graphic identity solution provides a strong and differentiated message to the market that the Manus brand provides valued expertise in a variety of areas.
Offering four distinct educational services that address the needs of students and academic professionals, Manus Inc. required an extendable brand to accommodate a variety of business opportunities.
corporate identity
The stationery system captures the scope of the company's well developed resources and leverages the four brands to create an identity that cross-pollinates its services.
Used by parents and educators alike, the Manus website was designed as a resource center. Each brand has a subsite with a unique url. This supports marketing efforts that enable users to link directly to desired areas.